Hawaiian Lomilomi Workshop for Local Therapists

In December 2018, AWH vice president Casey Takayama, who acquired a Hawaii State massage therapist license in the United States, voluntarily held free Lomilomi massage workshop for Filipino therapists at AWH. Each workshop was conducted for around 3 hours and whole sequence of lomilomi massage techniques was taught in 2 days. The participated therapists would still need to practice on their own to memorize them. Once the therapists master Lomilomi massage, it will be offered to AWH guests as one of the therapeutic body massage choices.

Barangay Sicat Children’s Christmas Party

On December 21, 2016 AWH again funded the annual Brgy. Sicat Children’s Christmas Party with 118 children attending at the Brgy. hall.  Inspired by Councilor April, the children sung Christmas songs and enjoyed plenty servings of spaghetti followed by ice cream. It was again a truly happy occasion.

2016 Alfonso Day Event

In addition to the P15,000 fourth quarter donation, AWH donated another P15,000 budgeted for this event for additional gift giving to 512 indigent children and an additional 60+ gifted children as determined by DSWD.  Each child received a backpack from the City and a water bottle from AWH that was individually gift wrapped by DSWD volunteers.

Local Council for Protection of Children Meeting – August, 2016

The Local Council for Protection of Children (LCPC) meeting was held on August 22, 2016 at the Barangay Hall of Lucsuhin Ilaya, Alfonso, Cavite.

The Agenda discussed were the following:
1. Participation of LCPC to Alay-Lakad
2. Planning for Children’s Day 2016
3. Schedule of Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC) 2nd Quarter Evaluation
4. Drug Related Problems in Alfonso

No specific dates were set yet for the Alay-Lakad (an Annual Fund Raising Activity of Alfonso Municipal) and Children’s Day held during the celebration of Alfonso Day in December.

The meeting was focused mainly on what the barangay officials are doing for drug addicts and pushers who have surrendered to them as mandated by President Duterte to surrender for counselling and monitoring or face death if they do not surrender.

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Indigent Support with Overseas Guests

In January 2016, nearly 50 overseas guests visited AWH for healing and to attend our 10th year anniversary event. During their stay they paid a visit to a camp of indigent residents in Usting, Luksuhin-Ibaba, Alfonso, Cavite with quality used clothes brought from Japan, sacks of rice and snacks for children. Later time another visitor donated sacks of rice when AWH brought them firewood for cooking balots (slightly grown duck eggs) on which they make their livelihood.

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LCPC Meeting at AWH

On January 11, 2016, LCPC (Local Council for Protection of Children) Alfonso used AWH function room for their first meeting in 2016 as AWH has committed to voluntarily provide its venue at no cost for local government. The budgeting plan for 2016 and its each prospective projects were discussed including TB, teen pregnancy, domestic violence, etc.

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On December 10, 2015 municipal yearly event of Alfonso day was held at the municipal basketball court. Three parts of programs catered for children, PWD (persons with disabilities) and indigents respectively.
The municipality of Alfonso including the mayor and councilors sponsored the event. DSWD prepared gifts and coordinated participants. Municipal health office conducted free dental checkups. Kiwanis Alfonso chapter assisted the programs. AWH financially assisted to provide gifts to PWD and donated quality used clothes which were originally donated by AWH’s guests from Japan.

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Maternal And Child Health Seminar

On August 14, 2015, Dr. Manzo invited LCPC Members to participate in the “Maternal And Child Health Seminar” and “Anti-Violence Against Women And Children Forum” conducted by the Office of Senator Pia Cayetano (author of the RH bill) held at the conference hall of Municipal Building.

The speaker was Dr. Vivian Eustasio from Senator Pia’s office. It was
attended by representatives of health workers of 32 barangays in Alfonso.
The said seminar/forum is conducted in Cavite & Metro Manila areas.

Some relevant issues on Family Planning was discussed in conjunction with
the health of mother and child.

Some emphasis mentioned in relation to the theme of the seminar were:

  1. Importance of proper nutrition during pregnancy
  2. Importance of doctor’s visitation during pregnancy.
  3. Spacing of years of number of number of children desired
  4. Consultation on choice of birth control methods to Brgy. Health Workers
  5. The Rights of the Children
  6. Women Empowerment

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LCPC Meeting at AWH

AWH has decided to provide its facility for LCPC (Local Council for Protection of Children) of Alfonso municipality as their venue for monthly meetings. The first meeting in the venue was attended by 15 members including municipal councilor Carolina, Dr. Manzo of municipal health office, Gina of local DSWD (Department of Social Welfare Development), local police officers, pastor Nestor, Tess of Civil Register Office, Staff from Municipal mayors, some other dedicating non-profit organizations and selected students.

It is one of AWH goals to help the community and provide its venue free of charge to the local government.

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Indian Mango Sharing with Indigents

In the property of AWH (Academy of World Healing Foundation), there are many Indian mango trees bearing plentiful of their fruits. AWH usually shares them with neighbor indigents so that they can sell them in the market. On top of it, however, AWH provided some sacks of Indian mangos to barangay Mangas II residents, most of whom are re-settlers from Samar island. They seemed to be happy to grab the mango and shared among themselves.

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