On December 10, 2015 municipal yearly event of Alfonso day was held at the municipal basketball court. Three parts of programs catered for children, PWD (persons with disabilities) and indigents respectively.
The municipality of Alfonso including the mayor and councilors sponsored the event. DSWD prepared gifts and coordinated participants. Municipal health office conducted free dental checkups. Kiwanis Alfonso chapter assisted the programs. AWH financially assisted to provide gifts to PWD and donated quality used clothes which were originally donated by AWH’s guests from Japan.

2015 12-10 Alfonso Child. Day clowns (Large) (Medium) 2015 12-10 Alfonso Children's Day (Large) (Medium) 2015 12-10 AWH visiting Mayor Varias (Large) (Medium) 2015 12-10 Clothing for DSWD (Large) (Medium) 2015 12-10 Clothing to DSWD (Large) (Medium) DSCF6964[1] (Medium) DSCF6982[1] (Medium) P1000560 (Large) (Medium) P1000564 (Large) (Medium) P1000566 (Large) (Medium) P1000569 (Large) (Medium) P1000572 (Large) (Medium) P1000575 (Large) (Medium) P1000589 (Large) (Medium) P1000659 (Large) (Medium) P1000677 (Large) (Medium) P1000689 (Large) (Medium) P1000692 (Large) (Medium)