Getting involved in the local community is the key to know the situation so that our assistances can be more efficient and effective. Although the living style, culture and background of local people are remarkably different from other nations, our donations and services have been always appreciated.

    AWH staff noticed there were a lot of trashes littered along the street and realized people need to have discipline and raise awareness of clean environment. Therefore, we conducted “Barangay Clean-up” several times. Young children were always dominant in the participants, but they worked very hard. We had a discussion session after the clean-up activity, and understood the importance of keeping our residences clean and not to damage the environment. We had to stop the activities in the rainy season, but the volume of trashes has been reduced.

    Even though the children in the Philippines are financially less privileged comparing to the ones in the advanced countries, you will notice that they have more smiles on their faces. However, to make the children happier, AWH donated some gifts for the raffle event and funds for Christmas gift items enough to be distributed to all the children in the vicinity. The local youth group, who took initiative for this event, was very kind and voluntarily presented the banner with AWH staff names for appreciation under their own budget from the raffle ticket sales.

    AWH planned a meaningful activity to raise awareness of environmental protection of which we can perform even during rainy season. It is always fun for high school student to learn how to paint. And at the same time, they have an opportunity to deepen their insight on ecology. AWH held seminars themed in ecology and brought forth the importance of nature cycles. The students enjoyed expanding their imagination onto canvases and exerted their talents. The art exhibitions were held every time after the completion of each workshop. It was once televised through Filipino news media. After exhibitions, all the paintings were displayed along the major Alfonso roads and local streets for public exposure.
Please refer to AWH blog for the latest update.